Testimonials / Individual Work

I feel blessed to have found Abby when I did. With her guidance, I was able to sort through issues that were taking a toll on my health, and I emerged with a new, healthy perspective, and a better understanding of myself and the world around me. Abby’s calm and caring nature and her understanding of Crohn’s disease and its implications made her the perfect mind and body counselor for me.

When I was diagnosed with acute leukemia, my world turned upside down. I was rushed to the hospital, began chemotherapy immediately. My domestic partner closed down our house and moved herself and our cats into a friend’s house near the hospital (we live out of town). My emotions surged and swirled. I was scared, confused, fighting for my life.

At the hospital, I told the social worker that I’d like to speak with a counselor. She suggested I get in touch with Dr. Abby Caplin. Although it would be several months before we met in person, Abby and I immediately began mind-body counseling over the phone. These sessions were invaluable to me in getting through this very difficult period.

Abby’s training both as a medical doctor and as a counselor has been a perfect combination for me. She understands my medical condition and the hospital procedures. She has been able to advise me in areas of nutrition and relationships with hospital staff. Most helpful were the guided visualizations that she led me through. Through these visualizations and meditations I gained new abilities to calm myself when anxious or scared. I learned how to help my recovery process by relaxing and visualizing a positive outcome.

Abby also helped me get perspective on my emotions, my relationships, how to cope with my new and changing circumstances. She led me to information about various supplemental treatment modalities. She recommended specific music for relaxation and healing. We delved into core issues of life and death.

The leukemia I was diagnosed with has now been in remission for a number of months. And I have high hopes that it will never reappear again. But I do know that life is full of surprises and unexpected bumps in the road. As a result of my experiences in counseling with Abby, I feel more able to cope with whatever life sends my way.

Dear Abby, Thank you for your gentle and beautiful help, and your wonderful guidance. You changed the course of my life. All my best to you.

Abby has been really important in my life.
I can’t begin to say how much she has made a difference for me.